They are much larger than you would expect. Hordes of tourists come to see them and marvel at their gigantic size. Now, the elk are the major draw for tourism in the Pennsylvania Wilds. But now they are doing well with their only worry being caught in the cross hairs of a human during hunting season. It took a little while for the western elk to thrive in their new home as they were simply released into the Pennsylvania Wilds without any time to acclimate. However, the Elk faced a big hurdle as the ecosystems in Pennsylvania and Yellowstone are very different. Elk in BenezetteĮlk county located in a forested and sparsely populated region called the Pennsylvania Wilds made a perfect habitat because it is isolated from human activity and historically was home to Elk. The Eastern Elk were hunted to extinction in Pennsylvania but western Elk were brought over from Yellowstone in 1913 to protect them from loss of food due to their habitat being used for agriculture. There are about 1,350 Elk with the majority of them living in Elk county, named for the Eastern Elk that once lived there. Pennsylvania is home to the largest elk population in the North Eastern United States. My apologies, I took some photos with my phone when I was there but they didn’t come out well so most of the photos here are not mine. I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and I had the good fortune of visiting Benezette, Pennsylvania about three years ago.